The cientific name is Euterpe oleracea. You can find this fruit in Brazil, where is very popular and others countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago).
400g frozen acai pulp
1 chopped banana nanica
Juice of 1 orange
Refined sugar or sweetener
In a blender, place the pulp semi-frozen banana, orange juice and sugar.
Beat until it is smooth, but without letting the pulp melts completely.
Serve immediately.
The ingredients should be tapped quickly to obtain a frozen dessert with a few flakes of ice, and not a liquid.
Whisk the pulp with other fruits such as strawberry, kiwi, etc..
Also add guarana powder, etc..

Yum! I can just imagine how deliciously refreshing that would be on a warm evening. Good work, Ana!
ResponderExcluirAnna your blog is so cute and well organized! This dessert looks tasty I wanna try! but can I get this berry here easily?