Fernando pessoa - Alberto caeiro

Eu não tenho filosofia: tenho sentidos...
Se falo na Natureza não é porque saiba o que ela é,
Mas porque a amo, e amo-a por isso,
Porque quem ama nunca sabe o que ama
Nem sabe por que ama, nem o que é amar ...

terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010


Today I'll talk about natural phenomena that happen in Brazil: Pororoca, this is de longest wave in the world!

The waves has height of up to 4 meters and go up to 13 km per hour.
The name Pororoca came the indigenous language Tupi that mean ''great destructive noise''.
You can heard the wave 30 minutes before it come and it's so powerful that carries everything trees, houses, animals.
This phenomena happen twice a year, between February and March in Amapa, state of Brazil.
In addition, the Amazon has a few other dangerous floating in the line-up you’re not likely to see at your home break, including crocodiles, piranha’s, and poisonous snakes.

domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010


This is a tradional brazilian dessert. Is sweet with a specific taste of the açaí berry. This is the fruit's photo.

The cientific name is Euterpe oleracea. You can find this fruit in Brazil, where is very popular and others countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago).

400g frozen acai pulp
1 chopped banana nanica
Juice of 1 orange
Refined sugar or sweetener


In a blender, place the pulp semi-frozen banana, orange juice and sugar.
Beat until it is smooth, but without letting the pulp melts completely.
Serve immediately.
The ingredients should be tapped quickly to obtain a frozen dessert with a few flakes of ice, and not a liquid.
Whisk the pulp with other fruits such as strawberry, kiwi, etc..
Also add guarana powder, etc..

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

I really like to out with my friends, I don't have a specif place that I prefer. BBQ's, pubs, walk around the city, go to the beach, go to a good restaurant, concerts, festivals, everything is amazing if you're with a good company.
Sydney has a lot of things to do and a lot of places to go. This is my fourth month here, and I know that I didn't visit a lot of places yet, but in my holiday I must visit everywhere in Sydney and around Australia as well.
One of the good places that I went in Sydney was the zoo in Darling Habour, it was really nice, a little bit tourist. I bought a tickets to zoo, aquarium and sydney tower (students has a good discount =D), but I just went to the zoo.. I have to go to the aquarium and sydney tower.
I liked to go to bondi beach, bronte beach and manly is amazing. I think would be better when the summer start, but anyway.. go to Manly is one thing that everybody should do when come to Sydney. You take a ferry, and you have a great view of Opera House, is a good journey.
When the summer start I'm going to learn surf, I'm not afraid about the Australia is the country that has a lot of shark, if someone knows about a good surf teacher just let me know ;)
If want to visit good places in Australia you have a lot of option!
